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10GBASE-R Scrambler implementation

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Can anybody tell the self synchronizer implementation in 10GBASE-R PCS?

I join the Club.

Is anybody there who has a working implementation?
I've put a Xilinx CoreGenerated (GTX transceiver wizard with 10GBase protocol loaded),
but it throws a lot of crap instead on something similar to an Idle code.

1. I have block sync locked - no glitch
2. In local PMA loop I've received whatever I sent.
3. In Far End PMA loop the party receives whatever it sends.
(arp requests bouncing back properly)
4. If I open the loop - the result is a crap

So - here's the challenge

I won't like to use Xilinx XMGII closed source stuff.
It generates a horrible monster as usual.

Hi out there,
'till then I've managed the self synchronizing scrambler issue!

As usual it is the question of bit order, and octet order.
I've already dealt with POS scrambler, so I do the same
I've attached two C source code that will print out the terms
you need for the scrambler and descrambler - using the
line transmissions bit order.
I've also enclosed some VHDL snippets that show how
to deal with octet and bit order between the fabric and
the gearbox, and combine the terms into XOR-ed vectors.

Also note that the scrambler, and descrambler introduce
one tick delay - so header stuff must be adjusted accordingly.

This material is free - use it as you wish.

Good luck,

- - - Updated - - -

Ohh, and one more thing.

Only registered forum users can see attachments.
I think...
But I'm not sure.

So here are the stuff coming inline - no take long:


/* This temp stuff is used to parallelize IEEE802.3 clause 49 scrambler and descrambler */
/* - k=0 denotes the first bit to send, k=(COVERAGE*BUSWIDTH-1) is the last             */
/* - n=0 denotes the bit0  bit to send in a word, BUSWIDTH-1 is the last                */
/* - o=0 denotes the word0 to send, COVERAGE-1 denotes the word N                       */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUSWIDTH 32     /* Parallel bus width      */
#define COVERAGE  2     /* #*BUSWIDTH cover states */
#define PLEN     59     /* of the length of poly   */
/* local functions */
static inline int k2n( int k )
return (k%BUSWIDTH);    /* Here is the bit position within a WORD */
static inline int k2o( int k )
return (k/BUSWIDTH);    /* Here is the word number in sequence    */
/* The generator polynomial: */
int G[PLEN];
int i,j,k,m,n,o;
/* Initialize the generator polynomial G(x) = 1+x^39+x^58 */
memset( G, 0, sizeof(G) );
G[39] = 1;
G[58] = 1;
/* Run through COVERAGE*BUSWIDTH bits that can keep track on S states */
for( j=COVERAGE; j<2*COVERAGE; j++ )
for( i=0; i<BUSWIDTH; i++ )
   k = j*BUSWIDTH+i;  /* Here is the bit number to deal with    */
   n = k2n(k);        /* Here is the bit position within a WORD */
   o = k2o(k);        /* Here is the word number in sequence    */
   printf( "b%.3i: O%i(%i) <= I%i(%i) ", k, o, n, o, n );
   for( m=0; m< PLEN; m++ ) if( G[m] ) printf( "XOR O%i(%i) ", k2o(k-m), k2n(k-m));
   printf( ";\n" );


/* This temp stuff is used to parallelize IEEE802.3 clause 49 scrambler and descrambler */
/* - k=0 denotes the first bit received, k=(COVERAGE*BUSWIDTH-1) is the last            */
/* - n=0 denotes the bit0  bit received a word, BUSWIDTH-1 is the last                  */
/* - o=0 denotes the word0 received, COVERAGE-1 denotes the word N                      */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUSWIDTH 32     /* Parallel bus width      */
#define COVERAGE  2     /* #*BUSWIDTH cover states */
#define PLEN     59     /* of the length of poly   */
/* local functions */
static inline int k2n( int k )
return (k%BUSWIDTH);    /* Here is the bit position within a WORD */
static inline int k2o( int k )
return (k/BUSWIDTH);    /* Here is the word number in sequence    */
/* The generator polynomial: */
int G[PLEN+1];
int i,j,k,m,n,o;
/* Initialize the generator polynomial G(x) = 1+x^39+x^58 */
memset( G, 0, sizeof(G) );
G[39] = 1;
G[58] = 1;
/* Run through COVERAGE*BUSWIDTH bits that can keep track on S states */
for( j=COVERAGE; j<2*COVERAGE; j++ )
for( i=0; i<BUSWIDTH; i++ )
   k = j*BUSWIDTH+i;  /* Here is the bit number to deal with    */
   n = k2n(k);        /* Here is the bit position within a WORD */
   o = k2o(k);        /* Here is the word number in sequence    */
   printf( "b%.3i: O%i(%i) <= I%i(%i) ", k, o, n, o, n );
   for( m=0; m<PLEN; m++ ) if( G[m] ) printf( "XOR I%i(%i) ", k2o(k-m), k2n(k-m));
   printf( ";\n" );

And the VHDL snippet:

-- Implementations:
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library UNISIM;
entity xgbe_SCRAMBLER is
 -- User Interface
    UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_IN      : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); 
    DATA_VALID_IN            : in  std_logic;
    SCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT       : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); 
    DATA_VALID_OUT           : out std_logic;
 -- System Interface
    USER_CLK                 : in  std_logic;      
    SYSTEM_RESET             : in  std_logic
end xgbe_SCRAMBLER;
architecture RTL of xgbe_SCRAMBLER is
    signal   I0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal   O0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    signal   OP : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- Take bits from fabric
MeshIn: for I in 0 to 7 generate
    I0( I    ) <= UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_IN( 24+I );
    I0( I+8  ) <= UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_IN( 16+I );
    I0( I+16 ) <= UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_IN(  8+I );
    I0( I+24 ) <= UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_IN(    I );
end generate;
-- As per IEEE 802.3 Fig. 49-8 in Clause 49.
scramblerp: process( USER_CLK )
if(USER_CLK'event and USER_CLK = '1') then
    if (SYSTEM_RESET = '1') then
      O0 <= (others => '0');
      DATA_VALID_OUT <= '0';
    elsif (DATA_VALID_IN = '1') then 
      O0(  6 downto  0 ) <= I0(  6 downto  0 ) XOR OP( 31 downto 25 ) XOR OP( 12 downto  6 );
      O0( 25 downto  7 ) <= I0( 25 downto  7 ) XOR O0( 18 downto  0 ) XOR OP( 31 downto 13 );
      O0( 31 downto 26 ) <= I0( 31 downto 26 ) XOR O0( 24 downto 19 ) XOR O0(  5 downto  0 );
      OP     <= O0;
      DATA_VALID_OUT <= '1';
      DATA_VALID_OUT <= '0';
    end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Render bits to transmission order
MeshOu: for I in 0 to 7 generate
    SCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I    ) <= O0( 31-I    );
    SCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I+8  ) <= O0( 31-I-8  );
    SCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I+16 ) <= O0( 31-I-16 );
    SCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I+24 ) <= O0( 31-I-24 );
end generate;
end RTL;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library UNISIM;
entity xgbe_DESCRAMBLER is
    -- User Interface
    SCRAMBLED_DATA_IN        : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); 
    DATA_VALID_IN            : in  std_logic;
    UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT     : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); 
    DATA_VALID_OUT           : out std_logic;

    -- System Interface
    USER_CLK                 : in  std_logic;      
    SYSTEM_RESET             : in  std_logic
architecture RTL of xgbe_DESCRAMBLER is
signal   O0:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal   I0:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal   I1:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal   I2:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- Restore bits transmission order
MeshIn: for I in 0 to 7 generate
    I0( I    ) <= SCRAMBLED_DATA_IN( 31-I    );
    I0( I+8  ) <= SCRAMBLED_DATA_IN( 31-I-8  );
    I0( I+16 ) <= SCRAMBLED_DATA_IN( 31-I-16 );
    I0( I+24 ) <= SCRAMBLED_DATA_IN( 31-I-24 );
end generate;
-- As per IEEE 802.3 Fig. 49-10 in Clause 49.
descramblp:    process( USER_CLK )
if(USER_CLK'event and USER_CLK = '1') then
    if (SYSTEM_RESET = '1') then
      O0 <= (others => '0');
      DATA_VALID_OUT <= '0';
    elsif (DATA_VALID_IN = '1') then 
      O0(  6 downto  0 ) <= I0(  6 downto  0 ) XOR I2( 31 downto 25 ) XOR I2( 12 downto  6 );
      O0( 25 downto  7 ) <= I0( 25 downto  7 ) XOR I1( 18 downto  0 ) XOR I2( 31 downto 13 );
      O0( 31 downto 26 ) <= I0( 31 downto 26 ) XOR I1( 24 downto 19 ) XOR I1(  5 downto  0 );
      I1  <= I0;
      I2  <= I1;
      DATA_VALID_OUT <= '1';
      DATA_VALID_OUT <= '0';
    end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Render bits from transmission order back to the fabric
MeshOu: for I in 0 to 7 generate
    UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I    ) <= O0( 24+I );
    UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I+8  ) <= O0( 16+I );
    UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I+16 ) <= O0(  8+I );
    UNSCRAMBLED_DATA_OUT( I+24 ) <= O0(    I );
end generate;
end RTL;

... for your convenience, :wink:


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