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Sainsmart 3.2 inch TFT Touchscreen interface with Arduino

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Re: Sainsmart 3.2 TFT LCD touchscreen interface with Arduino mega 2560 board


Thanks for the reply. I have to turn ON the LEDs with the settings :1 to 9999. minimum :1 usec to Maximum: 9.9msec.

So there is any solution for this problem to arrive it with 1 usec resolution.?

I am using Atmega 2560 board is with 16Mhz crystal.

Arduino Due board has 84Mhz crystal.

Will Arduino Due board will support for this Sainsmart 3.2" TFT Touchscreen Display and i can achieve this 1 usec timer interrupt in it?

Please let us know.

V. Prakash

Re: Sainsmart 3.2 TFT LCD touchscreen interface with Arduino mega 2560 board


Simply use one of the 16 bit PWM periferals.
They are designed for tasks like that.

Please don't ask for code. There are many thousands in the internet, and many discussions in the forum.
Even video tutorials are available.
I assume there are even online code generators.

Re: Sainsmart 3.2 TFT LCD touchscreen interface with Arduino mega 2560 board


Thanks for the reply. Entire code had been written and tested with 1msec resolution. only thing to be done is to change the slot to
1 usec resolution. There is many on and off sequence is there with output port of 16 no. in my logic which can not be achieved in PWM.

Is there any other solution for this? Please let us know.

Arduino Due board has 84Mhz crystal.

Will Arduino Due board will support for this Sainsmart 3.2" TFT Touchscreen Display and i can achieve this 1 usec timer interrupt in it?

Please let us know.

V. Prakash

Re: Sainsmart 3.2 TFT LCD touchscreen interface with Arduino mega 2560 board


There is many on and off sequence is there with output port of 16 no. in my logic which can not be achieved in PWM.
Don´t know what this means.
Don´t know why you say PWM is not suitable.

--> a drawing tells more than a lot of words.


Re: Sainsmart 3.2 TFT LCD touchscreen interface with Arduino mega 2560 board


Thanks for the reply. I have many sync pulse to be generated with this. I will finalize and come back with required timing diagram shortly.

V. Prakash
Sainsmart 3.2 inch TFT Touchscreen interface with Arduino Due Board.


I am Planning to use Sainsmart 3.2 inch TFT LCD Touchscreen interface with Arduino Due board.
Did anyone used this interface. I am attaching an image of Sainsmart 3.2 inch tft display along with TFT Shield board. Kindly suggest.

V. Prakash


  • Arduino1 .jpeg
    Arduino1 .jpeg
    44.6 KB · Views: 114
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From the Google search, i understand that we can interface Sainsmart 5" inch Touchscreen can be interfaced with Arduino Due Board.

Can anyone Please answer the following question to order Arduino Due board:

1. Did Sainsmart 3.2 inch Touchscreen and Sainsmart 5 inch Touchscreen are pin compatible. If Sainsmart 5 inch Touchscreen able to interface. so we can interface 3.2" Tft Touchscreen also.?

2. I am already using 3.2 inch TFT Touch + Shield for Arduino mega 2560 + Arduino mega 2560 sucessfully.
Now i can use 3.2 inch TFT Touch+ Shield for Arduino mega 2560 + Arduino Due board?? will the Shield PCB compatible for both Arduino mega 2560 and Arduino Due board?? Please let us know.

3. 3.2 Inch TFT Touch can be interface directly with Arduino Due board without using Shield for Arduino mega 2560??

4. Will UTFT and UTouch libraries used in Atmega 2560 can be used for Arduino Due also??

Kindly let us know.



If I´d need to know that ... I´d read the datasheets.

Pin compatibilty is easy to verify.
Interface and protocol is more complex, but should be also relatively easy to verify.


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