Display controller

Our display controllers are popular in the HMI field. There are dozens of commands in it. For example, the command for Handshake of the display controllers is

Tx: AA 00 CC 33 C3 3C

Rx: AA 00 ‘OK_V*.*’ P1 P2 P3 <Pic _ID> CC 33 C3 3C

Ø OK_V*.*&#65292;*.* is the current version of display module

Ø P1 is the TFT ID of the current display module ( Please refer to 0xE0 command for specific parameters)

Ø P2 is the serial baud rate set by current users

Ø P3 is setting mode of touch panel, buzzer

Ø Pic _ID: pID of the picture on the current screen.

Display controllers needs 0.5&#65374;2 seconds for initialization and will no respond to any command until the initialization is finished. So users can confirm whether the initialization process is finished by sending handshake command of display controllers.


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