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Need help to run IC5141 on RedHat 8

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Akhter Hossain

Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
May 5, 2005
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Please review the followings:

license.dat file at /usr/local/flexlm/licenses
SERVER vlsi0 000102b10a10 5280
DAEMON cdslmd /export/tools/cadence/IC5141/tools.lnx86/bin/cdslmd
FEATURE 12141 cdslmd 5.100 11-jan-2008 5 CD21B56B4A29D7AD0B06 "UHD" are as it is

.cshrc file under the guest account
setenv CDS /export/tools/cadence/IC5141
setenv CDS_INSTALL_DIR $CDS/tools.dfII
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$CDS/tools.lnx86/lib:$CDS/tools.lnx86/leapfrom/lib"
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE @5280@vlsi0
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog
setenv PATH

I login as GUEST and run the source .cshrc in C-Shell.
Then I run
lmgrd -c /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat

Then the license manager starts running as follows:
13:40:59 (lmgrd) Please Note:
13:40:59 (lmgrd)
13:40:59 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
13:40:59 (lmgrd) There are many details in licensing policies
13:40:59 (lmgrd) that are not reported in the information logged
13:40:59 (lmgrd) here, so if you use this log file for any kind
13:40:59 (lmgrd) of usage reporting you will generally produce
13:40:59 (lmgrd) incorrect results.
13:40:59 (lmgrd)
13:40:59 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
13:40:59 (lmgrd)
13:40:59 (lmgrd)
13:40:59 (lmgrd) FLEXlm (v8.4a) started on vlsi0 (linux) (5/5/2005)
13:40:59 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2003 by Macrovision Corporation. All
13:40:59 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
13:40:59 (lmgrd) World Wide Web: **broken link removed**
13:40:59 (lmgrd) License file(s): /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
13:40:59 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 5280
13:40:59 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
13:40:59 (lmgrd) Started cdslmd (internet tcp_port 32884 pid 1563)
13:40:59 (cdslmd) FLEXlm version 8.4a
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Server started on vlsi0 for: 12141
13:40:59 (cdslmd) 21060 21400 276
13:40:59 (cdslmd) 300 32140 32150
13:40:59 (cdslmd) 32500 32760 33301
13:40:59 (cdslmd) 34500 34510 940
13:40:59 (cdslmd) 945 960 994
13:40:59 (cdslmd) ADE_ElectronStorm_Option ADE_VoltageStorm_Option
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Affirma_AMS_distrib_processing Affirma_NC_Simulator
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Affirma_ams_simulator Affirma_sim_analysis_env
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Artist_Optimizer Artist_Statistics Assura_DRC
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Assura_LVS Assura_RCX Assura_RCX-FS
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Assura_RCX-PL Assura_UI Celtic_Crosstalk_Analyzer
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Composer_EDIF300_Connectivity Composer_EDIF300_Schematic
13:40:59 (cdslmd) DFM_Core_Technology Encounter_C Encounter_Wave_Viewer
13:40:59 (cdslmd) FE_GPS Fire_Parallel Ice_Parallel
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Incisive_Verif_Engine Incisive_Verif_Environ LEAPFROG-CV

13:40:59 (cdslmd) PCB_design_expert PlaceBase_ALL RTL_Compiler_Ultra
13:40:59 (cdslmd) RouteMVIA_ALL SPECCTRAQuest SPECCTRAQuest_SI_expert
13:40:59 (cdslmd) SPECCTRAQuest_signal_expert SPECCTRA_expert SpectreRF
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Substrate_Coupling_Analysis UET VERILOG-XL

13:40:59 (cdslmd) Virtuoso_XL VoltageStorm_Cell_Transistor expgen

13:40:59 (cdslmd) pcomp plotVersa
13:40:59 (cdslmd)
13:40:59 (cdslmd) All FEATURE lines for this vendor behave like INCREMENT
13:40:59 (cdslmd)
13:40:59 (cdslmd) Vendor daemon can't talk to lmgrd (Cannot connect to
license server (-15,570:111 "Connection refused"))

I am wondering why the connection is refused. Please let me know asap.
I looking forward for the solution.


i think you l!cen$e is start correctly.
the problem is here "setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE @5280@vlsi0". it would be "setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 5280@vlsi0".

cshrc ic5141

I already corrected the problem of the line

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 5280@vlsi0

The problem still remains. Need your help.

the os has not cleared this port since lmgrd died

I think is the problem of license.I don't have the license.

ic5141 license

The license file is sent by cadence against a host ID for the port number
5280. I already tried with the port 5281, 5282 or 5283 and the response is
similar. Do you think the problem is with the OS?

how to license cadence ic5141

Would pls try the nocked license ,not the floating license .


This license has options of "UHD" in it, which allows UserName/HostName/DisplayName based options to get the license. Do you have an Option file that describes any of these types of permission ?
From the log, the license server starts correctly. Maybe the Options check failed from the client tool.

tcp port 5280

Could you post your hosts file, as well as the result of "uname -a ".

I think that you need to add into hosts vlsi0 is the address and not anything else.


does not support feature assura_drc

I've read almost every topic on this forum about installing Cadence on Linux and I'm very confused.
I installed it on RH AS4. Although many ppl say Rh 7.3 is the best I don't wanna use it. Please don't say it can't work on my distro because there were so many succesfull installations on many different distros that I won't believe it can't run on mine.
As almost every person here I have problems with configuration. What to add to my .bashrc file and what don't. Everybody says different things:
1st instruction
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/dfII/bin
setenv PATH {$PATH}:/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/plot/bin
setenv CDSDIR /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_ROOT /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_INST_DIR /tools/cds5
setenv CDS_INSTALL_DIR /tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/dfII
setenv CDS_LIC_FILE 5280(at)localhost.localdomain
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog

2nd instruction
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/license.EQUALIZER
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/tools/bin:$CDS_INSTALL_DIR/bin:$CDS_ROOT/tools/spectre/bin:$PATH
export CDS_Netlisting_Node Analog
/tools/cds5/tools.lnx86/bin/lmgrd –c license.dat

3rd one:
setenv CDS /export/tools/cadence/IC5141
setenv CDS_INSTALL_DIR $CDS/tools.dfII
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$CDS/tools.lnx86/lib:$CDS/tools.lnx86/leapfrom/lib"
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE @5280(at)vlsi0
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog
setenv PATH

I know I have to use "export" command because of .bashrc file not .cshrc.
But look at different license file descriptions. Should it be:
export CDS_LIC_FILE=5280(at)localhost.localdomain or
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=5280(at)localhost.localdomain or
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/license.dat or
export LM_LICENCE_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/license.dat ????

Where should the license.dat file be placed? In:
CDS_ROOT/share/license/license.dat or in
/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat ???

Cadence license configuration tool uses the first path and the "lmgrd -c" command uses the second one.

In license file in the SERVER line I cannot write exactly "localhost.localdomain" but the host name of my PC which is in the UNIX prompt. Am I correct?

When I type lmgrd -c license.dat I get the following message.

9:05:04 (lmgrd) The TCP port number in the license, 5280, is already in use.
19:05:04 (lmgrd) Possible causes:
19:05:04 (lmgrd) 1) lmgrd is already running for this license.
19:05:04 (lmgrd) 2) The OS has not "cleared" this port since lmgrd died.
19:05:04 (lmgrd) 3) Another process is using this port number (unlikely).
19:05:04 (lmgrd) Solutions:
19:05:04 (lmgrd) 1) Make sure lmgrd and all vendor daemons for this
19:05:04 (lmgrd) license are not running.
19:05:04 (lmgrd) 2) You may have to wait for the OS to clear this port.
19:05:04 (lmgrd) Retrying for about 5 more minutes
19:08:04 (lmgrd) Still trying...
19:08:22 (lmgrd) Still trying...
19:08:37 (lmgrd) Failed to open the TCP port number in the license.

How can I chceck if it works fine? What can I do about it?

In addition when I type lmstat -a -c license.dat I get sth like this:

License server status: 5280@myhostname
License file(s) on myhostname: /Cadence/share/license/license.dat:

lmgrd is not running: Server node is down or not responding (-96,482)

Does anybody know how to solve this? Help is much appreciated.

cadence ic5141 on redhat linux 5

your port 5280 already was used
so you must restart the computer first or shunt down "lmgrd"

redhat lm_license_file

I've already tried restrarting the computer but it's all the same.

Notice, that when I type : lmgrd -c license.dat I get
lmgrd is already running for this license.

But when I type: lmstat -a -c license.dat it says
lmgrd is not running: Server node is down or not responding (-96,482)

Isn't it strange?

server cadence server 5280 feature cdslmd

Angler25 wrote:
"I've already tried restrarting the computer but it's all the same. "

this is because the daemon starts at the start up

first use "lmdown" to shut down the daemon

license for ic5141

again, should install it on RHEL 4 or 3, the redhat 8 is too old.

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