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Reqd :IR transmitter and receiver in C

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May 5, 2004
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ir transmitter and receiver

Hai All
I would like to construct a IR remote control transmitter and receiver both using a microcontroller, either 8051 or PIC Preferabily in C. Any protocol will do.Standard or custom .
please provide links or examples for the same.
My objective is to send 5 or 6 bytes of data between two units

avr ir transmitter


you need to design Infrared transmitter and receiver circuit and it
doesn't depend on microcontroller. but when you connect the transmitter
and reciever to the microcontroller, you need to design a transmission algorithm
to sen and receive data. it means that you must send your data with header ,tailer and parity with a timing that is synchron with receiver, then when
receiver checks the correctness, it sends back the answer or Ack. you should
design the algorithm yourself, but you can find IR transmitter and receiver circuits on the Internet.



    Points: 2
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infrared transmitter and receiver

Check out Microchip, They make chips for IR interfaces, MCP21XX.
Datasheets and app notes available.


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pic ir transmitter

btbass said:
Check out Microchip, They make chips for IR interfaces, MCP21XX.
Datasheets and app notes available.
Thanks for the response and info.
But I have to do this with general purpose microcontrollers like PIC or 8051.

atmel ir transmitter

Check out **broken link removed**

This implements the Rx


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mcu ir transmitter

Perhaps this could be useful for building an AT89C2051 based RC5 receiver. The main program part is done in ANSI C, while the critical RC5 decoding part is implemented in 8051 assembly language. I think it could easily be modified for any 8051:
Unfortunately the code isn't free, but the schematic gives an impression for the hardware.
It seems that the firmware can be compiled with the demo version of Keil C51 ?

So you could start your project with the receiver while testing with a standard (Philips) remote control.
In a second step build the transmitter, then modify the sequence to send bytes ....



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rc5 ir transmitter

Picstudent said:
btbass said:
Check out Microchip, They make chips for IR interfaces, MCP21XX.
Datasheets and app notes available.
Thanks for the response and info.
But I have to do this with general purpose microcontrollers like PIC or 8051.
Here are two application notes for a general pruprose MCU. It's not for PIC or 8051 but AVR. The code is written in assembley and not C as you asked for. But if you read the application notes, then you will get a very good idea of how to write your own C code. Looking at the assembly and cooments can also help you.
AVR410: RC5 IR Remote Control Receiver
AVR415: RC5 IR Remote Control Transmitter
**broken link removed**

But if you search google and EDAboard, the you can easyli find IR C code examples for both 8051, PIC, AVR etc.

Try to look in Elektor too, there's lots of examples and a great article about the different protocols and frequencies used for different TV's, Videos and stereos.
These articles is a very useful if you want to use one of the IR remot control formats:
IR Remote Control Codes (1)
formats, protocols and (in)compatibility
**broken link removed**
IR Remote Control Codes (2)
**broken link removed**

RC5 is one of the most coomon protocols and it's invented Philips I think, but others use it too. Sony has another popular protocol.
You can finde lots of examples with both RC5 and Sony's protocols on the net.
This is one of the most common hobby projects made for 8 bit MCUs, so you can find it just about everywhere.


    Points: 2
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build your own infrared transmitter and receiver


an ordinary ir pair will work.connect the uart out of transmitter MCU to ir led. do not forget to give 38khz clk and burst freq if u use tsop1738 at ur rxr.


    Points: 2
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ir transmitter avr

I would suggest to check this:

There you will find the table with the set of many IR protocols detais. But the most interesting is the titles of table columns. They will give you an idea how to store recorded sequences of IR codes. Actually, only basic analysis should be performed on any received IR code - just put it in Shift or Space coding type. After that any code can be represented as structure of times intervals in uC memory: {code length,type (Space/Shift),HeadPulse,HeadSpace,1Pulse,1Space,0Pulse,0Space,EndSpace}+code.


    Points: 2
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ir transmitter +avr


i need a program code to decode rc5 sony remote control . i want to use 8051 uc but i found decoder code for 2051 uc for easytip1 code 718 from this site

i can't find the technical detail of easytip remote control or find code for 8051 deocder sony rc5 code

plz help me

thank you

avr infrared transmitter


There is a nice application note for RC5 code for TI MSP430 and ZILOG Z8 bothe with C language code

All the best


ir transmitter by 8051

he gents,

I am developing a front panel control for a settopbox which is controlled by a pic16F886 microcontroller.The FP has to receive and deode the RC6-IR input from the remote and send the bit-stream code to the main processor.

I couldnt find any sample C code for IR-RC6 bit stream decoder for PIC16F on the web.If somebody could share the code logic or direct me to any site where some implementation is listed.

thanks in advance

Re: ir transmitter by 8051

hi everyone!

I want to start and stop pwm(which drives a motor) according to the value of switch.
Motor is on portc(RC2) and switch is on RB0.
I am using pic16f877a and software is mikroc.
Can anybody help me in writing c code?

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