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FET model and S-parameters measurment data

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ne321s01 application notes

hi,thanks for ur info.but i ignore how to import spice file to ads,
pls tell me how,that i am new in using ads2003a
i use atf36077 ,here its spice file

nonlinear parameters gaas fet

In file Menu. you choose "import". then choose your file. when it is complete, your circuit will look like it has no any connection between components (no wires) but don worry, they are connected by the node name. only you need to know is the port names. the file that you have is a statz model. it is a bare chip.

ne3210s01 s parameter

Hi Boy,

you solved the problem about the non-linear model? I'm still stucked at where we left off....

ne76184a .s2p

boy said:
In file Menu. you choose "import". then choose your file. when it is complete, your circuit will look like it has no any connection between components (no wires) but don worry, they are connected by the node name. only you need to know is the port names. the file that you have is a statz model. it is a bare chip.
i import spice file,but i ignore use it at ads,at all,here its schematic file,pls modify it then upload it

file .pls s-parameter

Dear Gecky. Now i use CEL nonlinear model and I choose a transistor that the nonlinear model is best match with the provided S-parameter in data sheet. Some nonlinear model is match quite well ( amplitue off by 0.5-1 and phase is off by 5-10 degree). Some trasnsistors, the nonlinear model is way off from the measured S-parameter (say 3-4 dB of S21). SO i choose the transisitor that give me the best match.

DEar abdoeng
I have checked you file. it is not a standard SPICE. you have to enter the parameters manually. To do so, you choose "Statz model" In Gaas FET component. (Drop dwan list in the left conner in ADS).

s-parameters model

i have used the nonlinear model provided by cel , it is very good in sparameter
but in noise simulation , it have a huge deviation from sparameters files


s parameter datasheet

Hi Boy and Khouly,

I'm using a CEL part actually: NE76184A but it is discontinued.....

May I know what parts you guys are using? I want to see how much different the nonlinear model is. Also, any of you got down to fabricating the design based on the models used? How accurate is it?


atf 50189 spice model

Dear gecky, I am designing a LNA in 5 GHz WLAN. I am using NE3210S01. S-parameter looks ok for me (not much deviation as I memtion above) but the noise parameter,as khouly mentions, is > 50 - 100 % deviation. The simulated NF is higher than the NF in the data sheet. I am optimistic that NF deviation is my design margin. I am in designing phase and component selection. I will let you know the measured results when it is finish. My tentative spec is Gain > 30 dB (need two stage or more) NF < 1.5. Vswr in/out < 2. all at 5 GHz.

modelos de fet

hi all,where i find the nonlinear par. of amplifier
i have spice module,after i put the spice parameter what i do with it,in other word how i use it in simulation

fet modeling ads

Hi first of all you must know what the model you have in hand

Transistor -> most small signal model is "gramel pool" model.
FET->Statz, Curtice2, Curtice3, TOM,etc

once you know, which model u gonna use. in ADS you can choose the proper model in enter those parameter in the corresponding model. but be careful that the model I mention above is a "Chip" model it does not include any bound wire, lead etc paramaters. For CEL, their data sheet give you all the detail including the valid Voltage, Ic, frequency rannge for a given model. For a gilent, you can download from their web. CEL is nice enogh to give you the design kit for their products. Some agilent FETs, they give you a .zap file for use in simulation. Motorolla, also give a design kit for their LDMOS product, you can try but it will not work well because it is a high power FET. Only realy load pull will give you a valid Zopt.

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