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Recent content by EmbdASIC

  1. E

    Offset testbench in autozero amplifier

    Thanks Erikl, I usually try edaboard first, due to the better response here. Let me give this method a look.. Regards, EA
  2. E

    Offset testbench in autozero amplifier

    Thanks for your reply. But what you have mentioned is something i already know, and did before posting on the forum. I've already written that my montecarlo sim without autozero has 5mV of offset. Now i am needing the correct estimation method with autozero...
  3. E

    Offset testbench in autozero amplifier

    Thanks for your reply. But notice that im of course already checking the node voltage. The autozero technique has switches to cancel the effective offset at input or output. One needs to know how to setup the testbench to get correct offset from monte carlo sims ! I want to know: the reduction...
  4. E

    Offset testbench in autozero amplifier

    I have an amplifier with some 5mV offset, for which im using the autozeroed compensation scheme. The problem is, in the uncompensated testbench, i can easily estimate using follower configuration with montecarlo sims. HOWEVER, once the autozero compensation is in place, how will the testbench...
  5. E

    MOS device: intrinsic gain

    thanks for your input. My personal opinion about gm/id vs. IC plot is, that it helps more for the correct sizing for a given current and it works with another plot gm/id vs Veff. I am not sure if it should help find the maximum gain too ?
  6. E

    What is the best OPAMP topology?

    why dont u try a rail-to-rail architecture. The only point the seems difficult to achieve otherwise are you ICMR and OR. Its amazing you have access to such an old process though..
  7. E

    MOS device: intrinsic gain

    Which plot would truly characterize the intrinsic gain of a MOSFET for different nanometer CMOS processes: 1. gm/id VS. Veff (W/L=1) 2. gm/gds VS. gm/id I want to compare the device characteristics for highest gain in various CMOS processes. Thanks, and looking forward
  8. E

    Ebook} Solutions Manuals Analog Filters required

    [Ebook] Solutions Manuals: Analog Filters required I am in need of two solutions manuals for the following textbooks: 1. Design of Analog Filters, by Rolf Schaumann 2. Design of Analog Filters, Passive, Active RC and Switched Capacitor by Rolf Schaumann, S. Ghausi, K. Laker Thank you all,
  9. E

    Plotting gain vs. VinCM

    Hi thanks for your input. Rest is fine, the only problem i have is plotting Adm vs. swept DC on the same plot in spectre. Usually it does not plot AC and DC results in the same plot. Regards, EA
  10. E

    Plotting gain vs. VinCM

    My gain is an expression for a four stage OTA gain, which i want to sweep with my input Common mode level. I guess there is little clue to what-to-do in your reply !
  11. E

    Plotting gain vs. VinCM

    Hi all. i want to plot Adm (differential gain) vs. VinCM (Input common mode level) in spectre. I will probably sweep the DC, but was a bit confused how it will plot gain vs. dc swept parameter ?
  12. E

    Mismatch variations in input differential pair -

    Thanks for your input. Lengths have been kept at 4xLmin. Moreover, what gm ratios do you think are sufficient between input pairs and mirror loads ?
  13. E

    Mismatch variations in input differential pair -

    I have a four stage amplifier, which is very sensitive to mismatch variations. That is surely visible by my monte carlo (process + mismatch) simulations. Apparantly a 1% mismatch in input differential pair shifts the DC points to such a level that some transistors in the later stage leave...
  14. E

    expression for common-mode gain

    Hi, i have some confusion in find mathematical expression for common-mode gain. In what way should it differ (the method of finding expression) from a simple differential pair's differential gain (gm x Rd) (which is found using a small signal model. I look eagerly for some clues. Regards, EA.
  15. E

    Noise calculation: uV^2 /Hz to dB

    Hi, I designed a circuit in cadence Spectre, and peformed noise analysis. The noise analysis reports total integrated noise and total input referred noise in units of uV^2 /Hz. I want to know how to convert it into corresponding decibels. Thanks, EA

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